BREAKING: How shadowy groups and privileged access enabled the fossil fuel industry to derail the windfall tax – a new report from Fossil Free Parliament

Read our newest report into the fossil fuel industry’s political influence: How shadowy groups and privileged access enabled the fossil fuel industry to derail the windfall tax

Equinor hosts a breakfast reception at the House of Lords; Fossil Free Parliament calls on MPs and Peers to reject the invitation

StopRosebank campaigners protest Equinor’s involvement at a TED climate conference in London, 6 Oct 2022 On Thursday 22nd June 2023, all Parliamentarians were invited to a breakfast reception at the House of Lords, where Norwegian oil giant Equinor’s Senior Vice President and Chief Economist, Eirik Wærness, presented an update to Equinor’s “Energy Perspectives” report. TheContinue reading “Equinor hosts a breakfast reception at the House of Lords; Fossil Free Parliament calls on MPs and Peers to reject the invitation”